Check out my funny posts. Watch my villainous streams. Support my egomaniacal schemes.


For centuries, scientists have wondered: What if an evil guy with magic powers played video games? And streamed it for the entertainment of millions of internet perverts? Today that question has been answered. Apparently.
Come join me as I see if my pondering orb can run Minecraft!


Power my spells with your money! I promise I will put it to bad use. Bwahahahahahaha!
If you send me enough money to buy a game, I'll play that game at your request. <|:^)


For centuries, scientists have wondered: what if there was a website that was like Twitch, but wasn't owned by Jeff Bezos and paid its creators better? Well, the answer is... Kick! A streaming service no one cares about. You'll watch the same streams—I'll just get more money. <|:^)


It's just like Patreon, but I get more money! Are you sensing a pattern? That's right! Late stage capitalism is a rot upon the land and the only way to stop it is to SUPPORT THY LOCAL EVIL WIZARD!!!